能源化学(英文) ›› 2019, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 23-30.DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2018.01.017

• Preface • 上一篇    下一篇

Synthesis of jet fuel additive with cyclopentanone

Hao Tanga,b, Fang Chena,b, Guangyi Lia, Xiaofeng Yanga, Yancheng Hua, Aiqin Wanga,c, Yu Conga, Xiaodong Wanga, Tao Zhanga,c, Ning Lia,c   

  1. a State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, China;
    b University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
    c iChEM(Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials), Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, China
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-17 修回日期:2018-01-17 出版日期:2019-02-15 发布日期:2019-02-15
  • 通讯作者: Ning Li
  • 基金资助:

    This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 21776273; 21721004; 21690080; 21690082), the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB17020100), the National Key Projects for Fundamental Research and Development of China (2016YFA0202801), Dalian Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (no. 2015R005), Department of Science and Technology of Liaoning Province (under contract of 2015020086-101) and 100-talent project of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP).

Synthesis of jet fuel additive with cyclopentanone

Hao Tanga,b, Fang Chena,b, Guangyi Lia, Xiaofeng Yanga, Yancheng Hua, Aiqin Wanga,c, Yu Conga, Xiaodong Wanga, Tao Zhanga,c, Ning Lia,c   

  1. a State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, China;
    b University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
    c iChEM(Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials), Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2017-11-17 Revised:2018-01-17 Online:2019-02-15 Published:2019-02-15
  • Contact: Ning Li
  • Supported by:

    This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 21776273; 21721004; 21690080; 21690082), the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB17020100), the National Key Projects for Fundamental Research and Development of China (2016YFA0202801), Dalian Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (no. 2015R005), Department of Science and Technology of Liaoning Province (under contract of 2015020086-101) and 100-talent project of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP).

摘要: A new route was developed for the synthesis of renewable decalin with cyclopentanone which can be derived from lignocellulose. It was found that 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene could be selectively produced by the hydrogenation/dehydration/rearrangement of[1,1 -bi(cyclopentylidene)]-2-one (i.e. the selfaldol condensation product of cyclopentanone) over a dual-bed catalyst system. Among the investigated catalysts, the Ru/C and Amberlyst-15 resin exhibited the highest activities for the hydrogenation of[1,1-bi(cyclopentylidene)]-2-one to[1,1 -bi(cyclopentan)]-2-ol and the dehydration/rearrangement of[1,1-bi(cyclopentan)]-2-ol to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene, respectively. Using Ru/C and Amberlyst-15 resin as the first bed and the second bed catalysts, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene was directly produced in high carbon yield (83.7%) under mild conditions (393 K, 1 MPa). After being hydrogenated, the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene was converted to decalin which can be used as additive to improve the thermal stability and volumetric heat value of jet fuel.

关键词: Lignocellulose, Jet fuel additive, Aldol condensation, Dehydration/rearrangement, Hydrogenation

Abstract: A new route was developed for the synthesis of renewable decalin with cyclopentanone which can be derived from lignocellulose. It was found that 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene could be selectively produced by the hydrogenation/dehydration/rearrangement of[1,1 -bi(cyclopentylidene)]-2-one (i.e. the selfaldol condensation product of cyclopentanone) over a dual-bed catalyst system. Among the investigated catalysts, the Ru/C and Amberlyst-15 resin exhibited the highest activities for the hydrogenation of[1,1-bi(cyclopentylidene)]-2-one to[1,1 -bi(cyclopentan)]-2-ol and the dehydration/rearrangement of[1,1-bi(cyclopentan)]-2-ol to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene, respectively. Using Ru/C and Amberlyst-15 resin as the first bed and the second bed catalysts, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene was directly produced in high carbon yield (83.7%) under mild conditions (393 K, 1 MPa). After being hydrogenated, the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene was converted to decalin which can be used as additive to improve the thermal stability and volumetric heat value of jet fuel.

Key words: Lignocellulose, Jet fuel additive, Aldol condensation, Dehydration/rearrangement, Hydrogenation