能源化学(英文) ›› 2019, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 103-110.DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2018.02.006

• Preface • 上一篇    下一篇

KHCO3 activated carbon microsphere as excellent electrocatalyst for VO2+/VO2+ redox couple for vanadium redox flow battery

Chen Zhaoa, Yuehua Lia, Zhangxing Hea,b,c, Yingqiao Jianga, Lu Lia, Fengyun Jianga, Huizhu Zhoua, Jing Zhua, Wei Menga, Ling Wanga,c, Lei Daia,c   

  1. a School of Chemical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063009, Hebei, China;
    b State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Nuclear Resources and Environment, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China;
    c Hebei Province Key Laboratory of Photocatalytic and Electrocatalytic Materials for Environment, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063009, Hebei, China
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-29 修回日期:2018-02-08 出版日期:2019-02-15 发布日期:2019-02-15
  • 通讯作者: Zhangxing He, Ling Wang, Lei Dai
  • 基金资助:

    This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51504079), Hebei Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar (No.E2017209079), Hebei Provincial Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates (No.X2016040), Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Nuclear Resources and Environment (No.NRE1503), and Tangshan Scientific and Technical Innovation Team Project of China (No.15130201C).

KHCO3 activated carbon microsphere as excellent electrocatalyst for VO2+/VO2+ redox couple for vanadium redox flow battery

Chen Zhaoa, Yuehua Lia, Zhangxing Hea,b,c, Yingqiao Jianga, Lu Lia, Fengyun Jianga, Huizhu Zhoua, Jing Zhua, Wei Menga, Ling Wanga,c, Lei Daia,c   

  1. a School of Chemical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063009, Hebei, China;
    b State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Nuclear Resources and Environment, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China;
    c Hebei Province Key Laboratory of Photocatalytic and Electrocatalytic Materials for Environment, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063009, Hebei, China
  • Received:2017-12-29 Revised:2018-02-08 Online:2019-02-15 Published:2019-02-15
  • Contact: Zhangxing He, Ling Wang, Lei Dai
  • Supported by:

    This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51504079), Hebei Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar (No.E2017209079), Hebei Provincial Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates (No.X2016040), Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Nuclear Resources and Environment (No.NRE1503), and Tangshan Scientific and Technical Innovation Team Project of China (No.15130201C).

摘要: In this paper, carbon microsphere prepared by hydrothermal treatment was activated by KHCO3 at high temperature, and employed as the catalyst for VO2+/VO2+ redox reaction for vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB). Carbon microsphere can be etched by KHCO3 due to the reaction between the pyrolysis products of KHCO3 and carbon atoms. Moreover, KHCO3 activation can bring many oxygen functional groups on carbon microsphere, further improving the wettability of catalyst and increasing the active sites. The electrocatalytic properties of carbon microsphere from hydrothermal treatment are improved by high temperature carbonization, and can further be enhanced by KHCO3 activation. Among carbon microsphere samples, the VO2+/VO2+ redox reaction exhibits the highest electrochemical kinetics on KHCO3 activated sample. The cell using KHCO3 activated carbon microsphere as the positive catalyst demonstrates higher energy efficiency and larger discharge capacity, especially at high current density. The results reveal that KHCO3 activated carbon microsphere is an efficient, low-cost carbon-based catalyst for VO2+/VO2+ redox reaction for VRFB system.

关键词: Energy storage, Vanadium redox flow battery, Carbon microsphere, KHCO3, Etching

Abstract: In this paper, carbon microsphere prepared by hydrothermal treatment was activated by KHCO3 at high temperature, and employed as the catalyst for VO2+/VO2+ redox reaction for vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB). Carbon microsphere can be etched by KHCO3 due to the reaction between the pyrolysis products of KHCO3 and carbon atoms. Moreover, KHCO3 activation can bring many oxygen functional groups on carbon microsphere, further improving the wettability of catalyst and increasing the active sites. The electrocatalytic properties of carbon microsphere from hydrothermal treatment are improved by high temperature carbonization, and can further be enhanced by KHCO3 activation. Among carbon microsphere samples, the VO2+/VO2+ redox reaction exhibits the highest electrochemical kinetics on KHCO3 activated sample. The cell using KHCO3 activated carbon microsphere as the positive catalyst demonstrates higher energy efficiency and larger discharge capacity, especially at high current density. The results reveal that KHCO3 activated carbon microsphere is an efficient, low-cost carbon-based catalyst for VO2+/VO2+ redox reaction for VRFB system.

Key words: Energy storage, Vanadium redox flow battery, Carbon microsphere, KHCO3, Etching