能源化学(英文版) ›› 2020, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (9): 426-434.DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2020.02.034

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Vacancy defect modulation in hot-casted NiOx film for efficient inverted planar perovskite solar cells

Aili Wanga, Zhiyuan Caoa, Jianwei Wanga, Shurong Wanga, chengbo Lia, Nuo Lia, Lisha Xiea, Yong Xianga, Tingshuai Lia, Xiaobin Niua, Liming Dingb, feng Haoa   

  1. a School of Materials and Energy.University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.Chengdu 610054.Sichuan.China;
    b Center for Excellence in Nanoscience(CAS).Key Laboratory of Nanosystem and Hierarchical Fabrication(CAS).National Center for Nanoscience and Technology.Beijing 100190.China
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-03 修回日期:2020-02-17 出版日期:2020-09-15 发布日期:2020-12-18
  • 通讯作者: Tingshuai Li, Xiaobin Niu, Liming Ding, Feng Hao
  • 基金资助:
    This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC (51702038) and the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals.L.Ding thanks the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFA0206600) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51773045,21772030,51922032,21961160720) for financial support.We thank Prof.Qinye Bao from East China Normal University for the UPS measurements and fruitful discussions,and Prof.Feng Yang from Comprehensive training platform of specialized laboratory,College of Chemistry,Sichuan University for the thickness measurements.

Vacancy defect modulation in hot-casted NiOx film for efficient inverted planar perovskite solar cells

Aili Wanga, Zhiyuan Caoa, Jianwei Wanga, Shurong Wanga, chengbo Lia, Nuo Lia, Lisha Xiea, Yong Xianga, Tingshuai Lia, Xiaobin Niua, Liming Dingb, feng Haoa   

  1. a School of Materials and Energy.University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.Chengdu 610054.Sichuan.China;
    b Center for Excellence in Nanoscience(CAS).Key Laboratory of Nanosystem and Hierarchical Fabrication(CAS).National Center for Nanoscience and Technology.Beijing 100190.China
  • Received:2020-01-03 Revised:2020-02-17 Online:2020-09-15 Published:2020-12-18
  • Contact: Tingshuai Li, Xiaobin Niu, Liming Ding, Feng Hao
  • Supported by:
    This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC (51702038) and the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals.L.Ding thanks the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFA0206600) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51773045,21772030,51922032,21961160720) for financial support.We thank Prof.Qinye Bao from East China Normal University for the UPS measurements and fruitful discussions,and Prof.Feng Yang from Comprehensive training platform of specialized laboratory,College of Chemistry,Sichuan University for the thickness measurements.

摘要: Nickel oxide (MoxC) has exhibited great potential as an inorganic hole transport layer (HTL) in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) due to its wide optical bandgap and superior stability.In this study.we have modulated the Ni2+ vacancies in MoxC film by controlling deposition temperature in a hot-casting process.resulting the change of coordination structure and charge state of MoxC.Moreover.the change of the HOMO level of MoxC makes it more compatible with perovskite to decrease energy losses and enhance hole carrier injection efficiency.Besides.the defect modulation in the electronic structure of MoxC is beneficial for increasing the electrical conductivity and mobility.which are considered to achieve the balance of charge carrier transport and avoid charge accumulation at the interface between perovskite and HTL effectively.Both experimental analyses and theoretical calculations reveal the increase of nickel vacancy defects change the electronic structure of MoxC by increasing the ratio of Ni3+/Ni2+ and improving the p-type characteristics.Accordingly.an optimal deposition temperature at 120℃ enabled a 36.24% improvement in the power conversion efficiency compared to that deposited at room temperature (25℃).Therefore.this work provides a facile method to manipulate the electronic structure of MoxC to improve the charge carrier transport and photovoltaic performance of related PSCs.

关键词: Vacancy, Energy level, Conductivity, Mobility, Electronic structure, Hole transport layer

Abstract: Nickel oxide (MoxC) has exhibited great potential as an inorganic hole transport layer (HTL) in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) due to its wide optical bandgap and superior stability.In this study.we have modulated the Ni2+ vacancies in MoxC film by controlling deposition temperature in a hot-casting process.resulting the change of coordination structure and charge state of MoxC.Moreover.the change of the HOMO level of MoxC makes it more compatible with perovskite to decrease energy losses and enhance hole carrier injection efficiency.Besides.the defect modulation in the electronic structure of MoxC is beneficial for increasing the electrical conductivity and mobility.which are considered to achieve the balance of charge carrier transport and avoid charge accumulation at the interface between perovskite and HTL effectively.Both experimental analyses and theoretical calculations reveal the increase of nickel vacancy defects change the electronic structure of MoxC by increasing the ratio of Ni3+/Ni2+ and improving the p-type characteristics.Accordingly.an optimal deposition temperature at 120℃ enabled a 36.24% improvement in the power conversion efficiency compared to that deposited at room temperature (25℃).Therefore.this work provides a facile method to manipulate the electronic structure of MoxC to improve the charge carrier transport and photovoltaic performance of related PSCs.

Key words: Vacancy, Energy level, Conductivity, Mobility, Electronic structure, Hole transport layer