Preparation, Characterization and Application of ZnAlLa-Hydrotalcite- Like Compounds
Xianmei Xie;Xia An;Xiulan Wang;Zhizhong Wang
2003, 12 (4):
8973 )
The preparation of ZnAlLa-hydrotalcite-like compounds [ZnAlLa-HTLcs] was studied.
ZnAlLa-HTLcs were synthesized by a method of variable pH with the raw materials of Zn(NO3)2,
Al(NO3)3, La(NO3)3, and NaOH. The eects of some factors (i.e. pH values, the mole ratio of Al3+ to La3+,
temperature and the period of hydrothermal treatment) on the preparation of HTLcs were discussed systematically.
XRD, TG-DTA, FT-IR spectroscopy, and ICP were performed to characterize ZnAlLa-HTLcs
samples, and the thermal stability of HTLcs was also discussed. It was shown that unique ZnAlLa-HTLcs
with high crystallinity can be prepared, under the conditions of pH=5.5-6.5, n(Zn2+)/n(Al3++La3+)=2
and the atomic ratio of La3+ to Al3+ ranging from 0.07 to 2, hydrothermal treatment at 120oC
for 5
h. When the calcination of the HTLcs is performed at temperatures above 200oC
, ZnO phase is detected
with Al2O3 and La2O3 spreading on its top. The complex metal oxides derived from ZnAlLa-HTLcs at
have higher catalytic activity and selectivity than those from ZnAl-HTLcs for the esterification of
acetic acid with n-butanol under the same reaction conditions.