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    2013, Vol. 22, No. 1 Online: 2013-01-20

    Over the past decade, the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry has become more and more international and has received large numbers of manuscripts concerning energy chemistry. In deed, nowadays energy chemistry is becoming one of the hot topics. To extensively report the most important and latest developments in energy chemistry, the journal has renamed as Journal of Energy Chemistry from January 2013. The main contents include new developments in fields of optimized chemical utilization of both conventional and unconventional fossil energies; research and utilization of hydrogen energy; conversion and storage of electrochemical energy; capturing, storage and chemical utilization of CO2; new materials and nanotechnologies related to energy utilization; chemical conversion of biomasses; and chemical approaches related to photo-catalysis, and so on.

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    Introductory Comments by the Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Energy Chemistry
    2013, 22(1): 0-0. 
    摘要 ( 5743 )  
     Renaming of the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry to the Journal of Energy Chemistry is most timely and appropriate. The past decade has seen a rapid growth in research and technology devoted to the use of renewable energy resources, principally biomass and solar radiation, at the same time that reserves of fossil energy have increased as a consequence of using advanced drilling methods to release natural gas and petroleum from shale. The changes suggest that future research will focus on both the conversion of conventional energy resources in a manner that result in their efficient use and on the discovery and development of conversion technologies for utilization of renewable energy resources. Broadening the scope and objectives of the journal to cover all the creative researches and innovative applications of chemical conversions of fossil energy, electrochemical energy and hydrogen energy, as well as the conversions of biomass and solar energy related with chemical issues, which will give readers an opportunity to learn about the full spectrum of effort relevant to these subjects. This inaugural issue of the Journal of Energy Chemistry provides an exciting and intellectually stimulating view of the field of energy chemistry. This issue begins with four review articles addressing the conversion of methane to aromatics, the emerging importance of shale gas as a source of fuels and chemical, an overview of the most recent advances in catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, and the use of hydrates for the sequestration of CO2. These reviews are followed by a communication and twelve articles recent reporting recent advances in various areas of energy chemistry.
      The Editors of the Journal of Energy Chemistry hope that readers of this issue will find the content of the newly renamed
    journal to be informative, and will be stimulated to submit their work for consideration and publication in future issues.
    Xinhe Bao and Alexis T. Bell
    Recent progress in methane dehydroaromatization: From laboratory curiosities to promising technology
    Shuqi Ma, Xiaoguang Guo, Lingxiao Zhao, Susannah Scott, Xinhe Bao*
    2013, 22(1): 1-20. 
    摘要 ( 12262 )  
    Direct conversion of methane to benzene or other valuable chemicals is a very promising process for the efficient application of natural gas. Compared with conversion processes that require oxidants, non-oxidative direct conversion is more attractive due to high selectivity to the target product. In this paper, an alternative route for methane dehydrogenation and selective conversion to benzene and hydrogen without the participation of oxygen is discussed. A brief review of the catalysts used in methane dehydroaromatization (MDA) is first given, followed by our current understanding of the location and the active phase of Mo species, the reaction mechanism, the mechanism of carbonaceous deposit and the deactivation of Mo/zeolite catalysts are systematically discussed. Ways to improve the catalytic activity and stability are described in detail based on catalyst and reaction as well as reactor design. Future prospects for methane dehydroaromatization process are also presented.
    Emerging importance of shale gas to both the energy & chemicals landscape
    John N. Armor*
    2013, 22(1): 21-26. 
    摘要 ( 8553 )  
    This perspectives article is intended highlight the growing importance and emergence of shale gas as an energy resource and as a source of chemicals. Over the next decades huge amounts of newly discovered deposits of trapped gas are expected to be produced not only in the USA but elsewhere providing a wealth of methane and ethane not only used for energy production, but also for conversion to lower hydrocarbon chemicals. This manuscript seeks to focus on the potential of trapped natural gas around the world. The potential new volumes of trapped gas within shale or other mineral strata coming to the marketplace offer a tremendous opportunity if scientists can invent new, cost effective ways to convert this methane to higher value chemicals. Understanding how to selectively break a single C--H bond in methane while minimizing methane conversion to CO2 is critical.
    Recent advances in understanding the key catalyst factors for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
    Qinghong Zhang, Weiping Deng, Ye Wang*
    2013, 22(1): 27-38. 
    摘要 ( 9401 )  
    Catalytic conversion of synthesis gas (CO+H2) into hydrocarbons, also known as Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis, is a crucial reaction for the transformation of non-petroleum carbon resources such as coal, natural gas, shale gas, coal-bed gas and biogas, as well as biomass into liquid fuels and chemicals. Many factors can influence the catalytic behavior of a FT catalyst. This review highlights recent advances in understanding some key catalyst factors, including the chemical state of active phases, the promoters, the size and the microenvironment of active phase, which determine the CO conversion activity and the product selectivity, particularly the selectivity to C5+ hydrocarbons.
    Hydrate capture CO2 from shifted synthesis gas, flue gas and sour natural gas or biogas
    Yanhong Wang, Xuemei Lang, Shuanshi Fan*
    2013, 22(1): 39-47. 
    摘要 ( 9394 )  
    CO2 capture by hydrate formation is a novel gas separation technology, by which CO2 is selectively engaged in the cages of hydrate and is separated with other gases, based on the differences of phase equilibrium for CO2 and other gases. However, rigorous temperature and pressure, high energy cost and industrialized hydration separator dragged the development of the hydrate based CO2 capture. In this paper, the key problems in CO2 capture from the different sources such as shifted synthesis gas, flue gas and sour natural gas or biogas were analyzed. For shifted synthesis gas and flue gas, its high energy consumption is the barrier, and for the sour natural gas or biogas (CO2/CH4 system), the bottleneck is how to enhance the selectivity of CO2 hydration. For these gases, scale-up is the main difficulty. Also, this paper explored the possibility of separating different gases by selective hydrate formation and reviewed the progress of CO2 separation from shifted synthesis gas, flue gas and sour natural gas or biogas.
    Co-salen functionalized on graphene as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for cyclohexene oxidation
    Jing Sunb, Jian Zhanga, Liang Wangb, Longfeng Zhub, Xiangju Menga, Feng-Shou Xia
    2013, 22(1): 48-51. 
    摘要 ( 7551 )  
    Co-salen functionalized on graphene with an average pore size of 27.7 nm as a heterogeneous catalyst exhibited good catalytic activity and recyclability in cyclohexene oxidation.
    Self-assembly to monolayer graphene film with high electrical conductivity
    Yi Lu, Xiao-Yu Yang*, Bao-Lian Su*
    2013, 22(1): 52-57. 
    摘要 ( 8696 )  
    Monolayer chemically converted graphene (CCG) nanosheets can be homogeneously self-assembled onto silicon wafer modified by 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES) to form very thin graphene film. The CCG film was characterized by FT-IR, XRD, SEM, TEM and AFM. Results show that CCG sheets formed monolayer film after assembled onto silicon wafer and there is a very tight chemical bond between sheets and wafer. Furthermore, the electrical measurements revealed that the monolayer graphene film has an excellent electrical conductivity.
    Sodium modification of zirconia catalysts for ethanol coupling to 1-butanol
    Joseph T. Kozlowski, Robert J. Davis*
    2013, 22(1): 58-64. 
    摘要 ( 8954 )  
    The influences of adding sodium to zirconia on the acid-base properties of the surface and on the catalytic conversion of ethanol and acetone were investigated. The rates of ethanol dehydration, dehydrogenation and coupling were evaluated in a fixed-bed flow reactor operating at temperatures from 613 to 673 K. The rate of acetone condensation was evaluated in the same reactor operating at 473-573 K. Addition of 1.0 wt% Na to ZrO2 decreased the rate of ethanol dehydration by more than an order of magnitude, which was consistent with a neutralization of acid sites evaluated by ammonia adsorption microcalorimetry. Addition of 1.0 wt% Na to ZrO2 also increased the base site density quantified by carbon dioxide adsorption microcalorimetry and the rate of acetone condensation. Although the rate of ethanol coupling was not increased by the addition of Na, the overall selectivity of ethanol to butanol was improved over the 1.0 wt% Na/ZrO2 sample because of the significant inhibition of ethanol dehydration.
    A quantum-chemical study on the discharge reaction mechanism of lithium-sulfur batteries
    Lijiang Wang, Tianran Zhang, Siqi Yang, Fangyi Cheng, Jing Liang, Jun Chen*
    2013, 22(1): 72-77. 
    摘要 ( 8611 )  
    Lithium-sulfur batteries have attracted a great interest in electrochemical energy conversion and storage, but their discharge mechanism remains not well understood up to now. Here, we report density functional theory (DFT) calculation study of the discharge mechanism for lithium-sulfur batteries which are based on the structure of S8 and Li2Sx (1≤x≤8) clusters. The results show that for Li2Sx (1≤x≤8) clusters, the most stable geometry is chainlike when x = 1 and 6, while the minimal-energy structure is found to be cyclic when x = 2-5, 7, 8. The stability of Li2Sx (1≤x≤8) clusters increases with the decreasing x value, indicating a favorable thermodynamic tendency of transition from S8 to Li2S. A three-step reaction route has been proposed during the discharge process, that is, S8→Li2S4 at about 2.30 V, Li2S4→Li2S2 at around 2.22 V, and Li2S2 →Li2S at 2.18 V. Furthermore, the effect of the electrolyte on the potential platform has been also investigated. The discharge potential is found to increase with the decrease of dielectric constant of the electrolyte. The computational results could provide insights into further understanding the discharge mechanism of lithium-sulfur batteries.
    Synthesis of carbon nanofibers@MnO2 3D structures over copper foil as binder free anodes for lithium ion batteries
    Fengliu Lou, Haitao Zhou, Fride Vullum-Bruer, Trung Dung Tran, De Chen*
    2013, 22(1): 78-86. 
    摘要 ( 7791 )  
    A 3D structured composite of carbon nanofibers@MnO2 on copper foil is reported here as a binder free anode of lithium ion batteries, with high capacity, fast charge/discharge rate and good stability. Carbon nanofiber yarns were synthesized directly over copper foil through a floating catalyst method. The growth of carbon nanofiber yarns was significantly enhanced by mechanical polishing of the copper foils, which can be attributed to the increased surface roughness and surface area of the copper foils. MnO2 was then grown over carbon nanofibers through spontaneous reduction of potassium permanganate by the carbon nanofibers. The obtained composites of carbon nanofibers@MnO2 over copper foil were tested as an anode in lithium ion batteries and they show superior electrochemical performance. The initial reversible capacity of carbon nanofibers@MnO2 reaches up to around 998 mAh·g-1 at a rate of 60 mmA·g-1 based on the mass of carbon nanofibers and MnO2. The carbon nanofibers@MnO2 electrodes could deliver a capacity of 630 mAh·g-1 at the beginning and maintain a capacity of 440 mmAh·g-1 after 105 cycles at a rate of 600 mA·g-1. The high initial capacity can be attributed to the presence of porous carbon nanofiber yarns which have good electrical conductivity and the MnO2 thin film which makes the entire materials electrochemically active. The high cyclic stability of carbon nanofibers@MnO2 can be ascribed to the MnO2 thin film which can accommodate the volume expansion and shrinking during charge and discharge and the good contact of carbon nanofibers with MnO2 and copper foil.
    Platinum catalysts supported on Nafion functionalized carbon black for fuel cell application
    Fan Luo, Shijun Liao*, Dan Chen
    2013, 22(1): 87-92. 
    摘要 ( 7130 )  
    We report a high performance supported Pt catalyst, in which a perfluorosulfonic acid (Nafion) functionalized carbon black is used as support. The catalyst is characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The TEM image shows that the active Pt component is in nanoparticles and highly dispersed on the carbon black with an average particle size of 1.9 nm. The catalyst shows improved activity towards the methanol anodic oxidation and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), resulting from the high dispersion of active Pt component. It leads to increases in electrochemically accessible surface areas and ion channels, as well as easier charge-transfer at polymer/electrolyte interfaces. The high platinum utilization and high performance of Pt/Nafion-C catalyst make it a promising electrocatalyst for fuel cell application.
    Direct conversion of fructose-based carbohydrates to 5-ethoxymethylfurfural catalyzed by AlCl3·6H2O/BF3·(Et)2O in ethanol
    Xiuquan Jia, Jiping Ma, Penghua Che, Fang Lu, Hong Miao, Jin Gao, Jie Xu*
    2013, 22(1): 93-97. 
    摘要 ( 8057 )  
    Direct conversion of fructose-based carbohydrates to 5-ethoxymethylfurfural (EMF) catalyzed by Lewis acid in ethanol was investigated. It was found that BF3·(Et)2O was favorable for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) etherification to EMF. BF3·(Et)2O combination with AlCl3·6H2O with the molar ratio of 1 was an effective catalyst system for synthesis of EMF from fructose-based carbohydrates. 55.0%, 45.4% and 23.9% of EMF yields were obtained from fructose, inulin and sucrose under optimized conditions, respectively.
    Insights into support effects on Ce-Zr-O mixed oxide-supported gold catalysts in CO oxidation
    Hongpeng Zhang, Haichao Liu*
    2013, 22(1): 98-106. 
    摘要 ( 7769 )  
    Au/Ce1-xZrxO2 catalysts (x = 0--0.8) were prepared by a deposition-precipitation method using Ce1-xZrxO2 nanoparticles as supports with variable Ce and Zr contents. Their structures were characterized by complimentary means such as X-ray diffraction, Raman, scanning transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). These Au catalysts possessed similar sizes and crystalline phases of Ce1-xZrxO2 supports as well as similar sizes and oxidation states of Au nanoparticles. The oxidation state of Au nanoparticles was dominated by Au0 especially in CO oxidation. Their activities were examined in CO oxidation at different temperatures in the range of 303-333 K. The CO oxidation rates normalized per Au atoms increased with the increasing Ce contents, and reached the maximum value over Au/CeO2. Such change was in parallel with the change in the oxygen storage capacity values, i.e. the amounts of active oxygen species on Au/Ce1-xZrxO2 catalysts. The excellent correlation between the two properties of the catalysts suggests that the intrinsic support effects on the CO oxidation rates is related to the effects on the adsorption and activation of O2 on Au/Ce1-xZrxO2 catalysts. Such understanding on the support effects may be useful for designing more active Au catalysts, for example, by tuning the redox properties of oxide supports.
    Higher alcohol synthesis over Cu-Fe composite oxides with high selectivity to C2+OH
    Zhenghong Bao, Kang Xiao, Xingzhen Qi, Xinxing Wang, Liangshu Zhong* Kegong Fang
    2013, 22(1): 107-113. 
    摘要 ( 7894 )  
    Cu-Fe composite oxides were prepared by co-precipitation method and tested for higher alcohol synthesis from syngas. The selectivity to C2+OH and C6+OH in alcohol distribution was very high while the methane product fraction in hydrocarbon distribution was rather low, demonstrating a promising potential in higher alcohols synthesis from syngas. The distribution of alcohols and hydrocarbons approximately obeyed Anderson-Schulz-Flory distribution with similar chain growth probability, indicating alcohols and hydrocarbons derived from the same intermediates. The effects of Cu/Fe molar ratio, reaction temperature and gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) on catalytic performance were studied in detail. The sample with a Cu/Fe molar ratio of 10/1 exhibited the best catalytic performance. Higher reaction temperature accelerated water-gas-shift reaction and led to lower total alcohols selectivity. GHSV showed great effect on catalytic performance and higher GHSV increased the total alcohol selectivity, indicating there existed visible dehydration reaction of alcohol into hydrocarbon.
     Experimental study of hydrogen sulfide hydrate formation: Induction time in the presence and absence of kinetic inhibitor
    Yousef Salamata, Abdolreza Moghadassi, Mohammad Illbeigi, Ali Eslamimanesh
    2013, 22(1): 114-118. 
    摘要 ( 7622 )  
    In this paper, the effect of adding different concentrations of kinetic inhibitors on the induction time of hydrogen sulfide hydrate formation in a reactor equipped with automatic adjustable temperature controller is studied. A novel method namely ``sudden cooling" is used for performing the relevant measurements, in which the induction time of H2S hydrate in the presence/absence of PVP and L-tyrosine with different concentrations (100, 500, and 1000 ppm) is determined. As a result, PVP with the concentration of 1000 ppm in aqueous solution is detected as a more suitable material for increasing the induction time of H2S hydrate formation among the investigated kinetic hydrate inhibitors.
    Synthesis of cyclic carbonates from epoxides or olefins and CO2 catalyzed by metal-organic frameworks and quaternary ammonium salts
    Olga V. Zalomaeva, Nataliya V. Maksimchuk, Andrey M. Chibiryaev, Konstantin A. K
    2013, 22(1): 130-135. 
    摘要 ( 11754 )  
    Catalytic properties of the metal-organic framework Cr-MIL-101 in solvent-free cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides to produce cyclic carbonates using tetrabutylammonium bromide as co-catalyst have been explored under mild reaction conditions (8 bar CO2, 25 ℃). Styrene and propylene carbonates were formed with high yields (95% and 82%, respectively). Catalytic performance of Cr-MIL-101 was compared with other MOFs: Fe-MIL-101, Zn-MOF-5 and HKUST-1. The catalytic properties of different quaternary ammonium bromides, Cr-MIL-101 as well as PW12/Cr-MIL-101 composite material have been assessed in oxidative carboxylation of styrene in the presence of both tert-butyl hydroperoxide and H2O2 as oxidants at 8-100 bar CO2 and 25-80 ℃ with selectivity to styrene carbonate up to 44% at 57% substrate conversion.
    Remarkable carbon dioxide catalytic capture (CDCC) leading to solid-form carbon material via a new CVD integrated process (CVD-IP): An alternative route for CO2 sequestration
    Wei Chu*, Maofei Ran, Xu Zhang, Ning Wang, Yufei Wang, Heping Xie, Xiusong Zhao*
    2013, 22(1): 136-144. 
    摘要 ( 8566 )  
    Through our newly-developed ``chemical vapor deposition integrated process (CVD-IP)" using carbon dioxide (CO2) as the raw material and only carbon source introduced, CO2 could be catalytically activated and converted to a new solid-form product, i.e., carbon nanotubes (CO2-derived) at a quite high yield (the single-pass carbon yield in the solid-form carbon-product produced from CO2 catalytic capture and conversion was more than 30% at a single-pass carbon-base). For comparison, when only pure carbon dioxide was introduced using the conventional CVD method without integrated process, no solid-form carbon-material product could be formed. In the addition of saturated steam at room temperature in the feed for CVD, there were much more end-opening carbon nano-tubes produced, at a slightly higher carbon yield. These inspiring works opened a remarkable and alternative new approach for carbon dioxide catalytic capture to solid-form product, comparing with that of CO2 sequestration (CCS) or CO2 mineralization (solidification), etc. As a result, there was much less body volume and almost no greenhouse effect for this solid-form carbon-material than those of primitive carbon dioxide.
    1-Butene isomerization and metathesis over Mo/mordenite-alumina: Factors influencing product distribution and induction period
    Xiujie Li*, Xiangxue Zhu, Dazhou Zhang, Fucun Chen, Peng Zeng, Shenglin Liu
    2013, 22(1): 145-150. 
    摘要 ( 7532 )  
    Effects of space velocity, reaction temperature and support acidity on product distribution and induction period in 1-butene isomerization and metathesis over Mo/mordenite-alumina were investigated. As revealed by the catalytic performance results, induction period and objective product were closely related to the reaction conditions. Lower space velocity led to longer induction period and higher propene yield. The optimal reaction temperature for propene production is around 150 ℃ and it shifted to 100 ℃ for ethene production. 1-Butene auto-metathesis predominated in the reaction network if the support with lower degree of sodium exchanged. And propene gradually became the dominant product upon increasing the support sodium exchange degree. 6Mo/H100Na0M-30Al catalyst with a support of full sodium exchange degree exhibited the highest propene yield.
    Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry thanks the authors of our most cited articles
    2013, 22(1): 151-152. 
    摘要 ( 6694 )  
    According to the Thomson Reuter report on 28 June 2012, the 2011 Impact Factor of Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry is 1.348, which ranks first among chemistry journals in China. We would like to express our appreciation to all the authors who have contributed their good work to the Journal. The following is the list of the articles published in 2009 and 2010 which received the most citations and thus contributed the most to the new impact factor.

    1. CO2 capture from binary mixture via forming hydrate with the help of tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide
    Li, Shifeng; Fan, Shuanshi; Wang, Jingqu; Lang, Xuemei; Liang, Deqing
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 15–20, total citations: 20, citations in 2011: 5
    2. Intensification of methane and hydrogen storage in clathrate hydrate and future prospect
    Lang, Xuemei; Fan, Shuanshi; Wang, Yanhong
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 203–209, total citations: 17, citations in 2011: 7
    3. Kinetics of oxidative coupling of methane: Bridging the gap between comprehension and description
    Sinev, M. Yu.; Fattakhova, Z. T.; Lomonosov, V. I.; Gordienko, Yu. A
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 273–287, total citations: 13, citations in 2011: 7
    4. Kinetic studies of the oxidative coupling of methane over the Mn/Na2WO4/SiO2 catalyst
    Shahri, Seyed Mehdi Kamali; Alavi, Seyed Mehdi
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 25–34, total citations: 13, citations in 2011: 6
    5. Effects of Ce/Zr ratio on the structure and performances of Co-Ce1-xZrxO2 catalysts for carbon dioxide reforming of methane
    Wang, Ning; Chu, Wei; Huang, Liqiong; Zhang, Tao
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 117–122, total citations: 11, citations in 2011: 6
    6. Production of propene from 1-butene metathesis reaction on tungsten based heterogeneous catalysts
    Liu, Huijuan; Zhang, Ling; Li, Xiujie; Huang, Shengjun; Liu, Shenglin; Xin, Wenjie; Xie, Sujuan; Xu, Longya
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 331–336, total citations: 11, citations in 2011: 5
    7. Ethanol steam reforming over Ni-Cu/Al2O3-MyOz (M = Si, La, Mg, and Zn) catalysts
    Zhang, Lifeng; Liu, Jie; Li, Wei; Guo, Cuili; Zhang, Jinli
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 55–65, total citations: 11, citations in 2011: 5
    8. Comparison of reduction behavior of Fe2O3, ZnO and ZnFe2O4 by TPR technique
    Liang, Meisheng; Kang, Wenkai; Xie, Kechang
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 110–113, total citations: 11, citations in 2011: 5
    9. Effect of nano-particle size on product distribution and kinetic parameters of Fe/Cu/La catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
    Pour, Ali Nakhaei; Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza; Tayyari, Sayyed Faramarz; Zarkesh, Jamshid
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 107–116, total citations: 11, citations in 2011: 4
    10. Catalytic methanol decomposition to carbon monoxide and hydrogen over Pd/CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3 with different Ce/Zr molar ratios
    Wang, Hairong; Chen, Yaoqiang; Zhang, Qiulin; Zhu, Qingchao; Gong, Maochu; Zhao, Ming
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 211–216, total citations: 10, citations in 2011: 4
    11. Low-temperature CO oxidation over CuO-CeO2/SiO2 catalysts: Effect of CeO2 content and carrier porosity
    Luo, Jingjie; Chu, Wei; Xu, Huiyuan; Jiang, Chengfa; Zhang, Tao
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp. 355–361, total citations: 10, citations in 2011: 3
    12. Partial oxidation of simulated hot coke oven gas to syngas over Ru-Ni/Mg(Al)O catalyst in a ceramic membrane reactor
    Cheng, Hongwei; Lu, Xionggang; Liu, Xu; Zhang, Yuwen; Ding, Weizhong
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 467–473, total citations: 9, citations in 2011: 6
    13. Catalytic oxidation of soot particulates over MnOx-CeO2 oxides prepared by complexation-combustion method
    Shan, Wenjuan; Ma, Na; Yang, Jiali; Dong, Xiaowei; Liu, Chang; Wei, Lingling
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 86–90, total citations: 9, citations in 2011: 5
    14. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by nano-structured iron catalyst
    Pour, Ali Nakhaei; Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza; Tayyari, Sayyed Faramarz; Zarkesh, Jamshid
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 284–292, total citations: 9, citations in 2011: 4
    15. Oxidative coupling of methane over (Na2WO4+Mn or Ce)/SiO2 catalysts: In situ measurement of electrical conductivity
    Gholipour, Zeinab; Malekzadeh, Azim; Hatami, Reza; Mortazavi, Yadollah; Khodadadi, Abasali
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 35–42, total citations: 9, citations in 2011: 4
    16. Textural characteristics, surface chemistry and oxidation of activated carbon
    Daud, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan; Houshamnd, Amir Hossein
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 267–279, total citations: 9, citations in 2011: 3
    17. Effects of preparation and operation conditions on precipitated iron nickel catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
    Feyzi, Mostafa; Mirzaei, Ali Akbar; Bozorgzadeh, Hamid Reza
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 341–353, total citations: 9, citations in 2011: 3
    18. Effect of Mg/Al atom ratio of support on catalytic performance of Co-Mo/MgO-Al2O3 catalyst for water gas shift reaction
    Lian, Yixin; Wang, Huifang; Zheng, Quanxing; Fang, Weiping; Yang, Yiquan
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 161–166, total citations: 9, citations in 2011: 3
    19. A novel correlation approach for prediction of natural gas compressibility factor
    Heidaryan, Ehsan; Salarabadi, Amir; Moghadasi, Jamshid
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 189–192, total citations: 8, citations in 2011: 4
    20. Separation of ionic liquids from dilute aqueous solutions using the method based on CO2 hydrates
    Peng, Xiaoming; Hu, Yufeng; Liu, Yansheng; Jin, Chuanwei; Lin, Huaijing
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 81–85, total citations: 8, citations in 2011: 4
    21. Low temperature catalytic conversion of methane to formic acid by simple vanadium compound with use of H2O2
    Wei, Xin; Ye, Linmin; Yuan, Youzhu
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 295–299, total citations: 8, citations in 2011: 4
    22. Water gas shift activity of Co-Mo/MgO-Al2O3 catalysts presulfided with ammonium sulfide
    Lian, Yixin; Wang, Huifang; Fang, Weiping; Yang, Yiquan
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 61–66, total citations: 8, citations in 2011: 3
    23. Natural gas pyrolysis in double-walled reactor tubes using thermal plasma or concentrated solar radiation as external heating source
    Abanades, Stephane; Tescari, Stefania; Rodat, Sylvain; Flamant, Gilles
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 1–8, total citations: 8, citations in 2011: 3
    24. Suppressed formation of CO2 and H2O in the oxidative coupling of methane over La2O3/MgO catalyst by surface modification
    Gao, Zhiming; Shi, Yingxiao
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 173–178, total citations: 7, citations in 2011: 4
    25. Catalytic ignition of light hydrocarbons
    Hohn, K. L.; Huang, C. -C.; Cao, C.
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 115–123, total citations: 7, citations in 2011: 4
    26. Effect of combining the metals of group VI supported on H-ZSM-5 zeolite as catalysts for non-oxidative conversion of natural gas to petrochemicals
    Aboul-Gheit, A. K.; Awadallah, A. E.
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 71–77, total citations: 7, citations in 2011: 4
    27. Effect of Cu promoter on Ni-based SBA-15 catalysts for partial oxidation of methane to syngas
    Habimana, Fabien; Li, Xiujin; Ji, Shengfu; Lang, Bao; Sun, Daoan; Li, Chengyue
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 392–398, total citations: 7, citations in 2011: 3
    28. CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3-Al2O3 composite oxide and its supported palladiumcatalyst for the treatment of exhaust of natural gas engine vehicles
    Zhang, Xiaoyu; Long, Enyan; Li, Yile; Guo, Jiaxiu; Zhang, Lijuan; Gong, Maochu; Wang, Minghua; Chen, Yaoqiang
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 139–144, total citations: 7, citations in 2011: 3
    29. Oscillations during partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas over Ru/Al2O3 catalyst
    Wang, Meiliu; Weng, Weizheng; Zheng, Haozhuan; Yi, Xiaodong; Huang, Chuanjing; Wan, Huilin
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 300–305, total citations: 5, citations in 2011: 5
    30. Comparison of the water change characteristics between the formation and dissociation of methane hydrate and the freezing and thawing of ice in sand
    Zhang, Peng; Wu, Qingbai; Wang, Yingmei
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 205–210, total citations: 5, citations in 2011: 3
    31. Conversion of syngas to higher alcohols over Cu-Fe-Zr catalysts induced by ethanol
    Zhang, Hongtao; Yang, Xiaomei; Zhou, Lipeng; Su, Yunlai; Liu, Zhongmin
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 337–340, total citations: 4, citations in 2011: 4
    32. Kinetics of the water-gas shift reaction in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a nano-structured iron catalyst
    Pour, Ali Nakhaei; Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza; Tayyari, Sayyed Faramarz; Zarkesh, Jamshid
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp. 362–368, total citations: 4, citations in 2011: 3
    33. Oxidative coupling of methane over La-promoted CaO catalysts: Influence of precursors and catalyst preparation method
    Rane, Vilas H.; Chaudhari, Sopan T.; Choudhary, Vasant R.
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 25–30, total citations: 4, citations in 2011: 3
    34. Effect of CeO2 preparation method and Cu loading on CuO/CeO2 catalysts for methane combustion
    Yang, Weiling; Li, Dao; Xu, Dongmei; Wang, Xingyi
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 458–466, total citations: 4, citations in 2011: 3
    35. Conversion of CH4, steam and O-2 to syngas and hydrocarbons via dielectric barrier discharge
    Wang, Baowei; Zhang, Xu; Liu, Yongwei; Xu, Genhui
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 94–97, total citations: 4, citations in 2011: 3
    36. Gas-hydrate formation, agglomeration and inhibition in oil-based drilling fluids for deep-water drilling
    Ning, Fulong; Zhang, Ling; Tu, Yunzhong; Jiang, Guosheng; Shi, Maoyong
    2010, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 234–240, total citations: 3, citations in 2011: 3
    37. Influence of CeO2 and La2O3 on properties of palladium catalysts used for emission control of natural gas vehicles
    Li, Yile; Zhang, Xiaoyu; Long, Enyan; Li, Hongmei; Wu, Dongdong; Cai, Li; Gong, Maochu; Chen, Yaoqiang
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 415–420, total citations: 3, citations in 2011: 3
    38. Experimental study on geochemical characteristic of methane hydrate formed in porous media
    Chen, Qiang; Liu, Changling; Ye, Yuguang
    2009, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 217–221, total citations: 3, citations in 2011: 3