Journal of Energy Chemistry ›› 2023, Vol. 79 ›› Issue (4): 382-389.DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2022.12.016

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Centimeter-sized Cs3Cu2I5 single crystals grown by oleic acid assisted inverse temperature crystallization strategy and their films for high- quality X-ray imaging

Tao Chena,1, Xin Lib,1, Yong Wanga, Feng Lina, Ruliang Liua, Wenhua Zhanga,*, Jie Yanga, Rongfei Wanga, Xiaoming Wenc, Bin Mengb, Xuhui Xub,*, Chong Wanga,*   

  1. aNational Center for International Research on Photoelectric and Energy Materials, School of Materials and Energy, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, Yunnan, China;
    bCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials of Yunnan Province, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, Yunnan, China;
    cCentre for Translational Atomaterials, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn 3122, Australia
  • Received:2022-10-12 Revised:2022-12-13 Accepted:2022-12-15 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-05-30
  • Contact: * E-mail addresses: (W. Zhang), (X. Xu), (C. Wang).
  • About author:1These authors contributed equally to this work.

Abstract: Low-dimensional halide perovskites have become the most promising candidates for X-ray imaging, yet the issues of the poor chemical stability of hybrid halide perovskite, the high poisonousness of lead halides and the relatively low detectivity of the lead-free halide perovskites which seriously restrain its commercialization. Here, we developed a solution inverse temperature crystal growth (ITCG) method to bring-up high quality Cs3Cu2I5 crystals with large size of centimeter order, in which the oleic acid (OA) is introduced as an antioxidative ligand to inhibit the oxidation of cuprous ions effieiently, as well as to decelerate the crystallization rate remarkalby. Based on these fine crystals, the vapor deposition tech-nique is empolyed to prepare high quality Cs3Cu2I5 films for efficient X-ray imaging. Smooth surface mor-phology, high light yields and short decay time endow the Cs3Cu2I5 films with strong radioluminescence, high resolution (12 lp/mm), low detection limits (53 nGyair/s) and desirable stability. Subsequently, the Cs3Cu2I5 films have been applied to the practical radiography which exhibit superior X-ray imaging per-formance. Our work provides a paradigm to fabricate nonpoisonous and chemically stable inorganic halide perovskite for X-ray imaging.

Key words: Inverse temperature crystal growth, Cs3Cu2I5 single crystal, Vapor deposition, Cs3Cu2I5 films, X-ray imaging