About Journal

  •  The Journal of Energy Chemistry is an international academic journal and published bimonthly in English. The journal formerly is known as the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, founded in 1992. Professor Xinhe Bao of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Professor Gabriele Centi of the University of Messina, Italy now are the editors-in-chief. The editorial office is settled in the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
        During the past two decades, especially in the last decade, under the influence of many factors such as political, economic and social and environmental aspects, the trend of the energy exploration, research and applications have been extensively extended on one side, and are taking place deeply changes in the dramatic ups and downs on the other side. It is again revealed and confirmed that competition and innovation is the driving force for the development of science and technology.
        In consideration of this situation, we decide after more than two years of preparation to officially rename the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry as the Journal of Energy Chemistry started from 2013.
        The Journal of Energy Chemistry is a publication that mainly reports on creative researches and innovative applications of chemical conversions of fossil energy, electrochemical energy and hydrogen energy, as well as the conversions of biomass and solar energy related with chemical issues to promote academic exchanges in the field of energy chemistry and to accelerate the exploration,research and development of energy science and technologies.
         In more detail, the Journal of Energy Chemistry is interested in the following subjects:
         (1) Optimized utilization of fossil energy
         (2) Hydrogen energy
         (3) Conversion and storage of electrochemical energy 
         (4) Capture, storage, and chemical conversion of carbon dioxide 
         (5) Materials and nanotechnology related to energy conversion and storage
         (6) Chemistry in biomass conversion 
         (7) Chemistry in the utilization of solar energy

        Main columns of the Journal of Energy Chemistry are as follows: Original research papers; Newsletters; Reviews and Introduction and Comment on international meetings related to energy chemistry, as well as Introduction of research institutions engaged in the field of energy chemistry. 

        The Journal of Energy Chemistry will be listed in a variety of important retrieval systems and databases. They are the Science Citation Index (Extended Edition) (SCIE) of USA; the Engineering Index (EI) of USA; the Chemical Abstracts'(CA) of USA; the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) of USA; the Digest Magazine (AJ) of Russia; the Engineering Information Data-base Encompass LIT of the Netherlands; as well as the Core Journals of Sciences and Technologies of China (CJSTC); the Chinese Science Abstracts (CSA); the Core Library of the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD); the Databases of Wan-Fang Digital Periodicals; and the Chinese Science Journals on CD-ROM edition.
        We believe that, under the care and support of the readers, authors and scholars, as well as people from all walks of life, the Journal of Energy Chemistry will appear in the field of international academic journals with its unique and acute academic perspective, a wealth of scientific creation and technological innovation information, as well as the new face and style.

    Appendix:Historical Evolution of the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry

    In 1992, the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry was founded and sponsored by the Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and published quarterly.
       In 2000, the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry was co-sponsored by the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and the Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and was published as an academic journal by Science Press of China. Professor Xinhe Bao of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Professor Alexis T. Bell of the University of California, Berkeley, USA now are the editors-in-chief. The editorial office is settled in the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science,.
       In 2006, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and Elsevier Publishing Company signed a long-term agreement on the Publication of the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry. Elsevier will be responsible for the distribution abroad of the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry and for its publication on Elsevier Sciencedirect.
       From 2006, all articles published in the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry were collected by EI.
       From 2007, all articles published in the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry were collected by SCIE.
       In 2010, the Impact Factor of Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry was 1.345 and the Journal was published bimonthly.
       In 2011, the Impact Factor of Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry was 1.348.
       In 2013, the Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry will be officially renamed as the Journal of Energy Chemistry

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