Indexed In

  • Journal of Energy Chemistry covered by following services 


    Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE, SciSearch

    Chemical Abstracts, USA
    Compendex (Computerized  Engineering  Index, EI), USA

    Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA),USA

    Petroleum Abstracts, France

    Abstract Journals, Russia 

    Engineering Information Database Encompass LIT, Netherlands

    EMBASE, Netherlands

    EMNursing, Netherlands

    GEOBASE, Netherlands
    Scopus, Netherlands
    Computer and Information Systems Abstracts Journal
    Earthquake Engineering Abstracts
    Electronics and Communications Abstracts Journal
    International Aerospace Abstracts
    Referativnyi Zhurnal
    Mosby Yearbooks

    API Encompass (American Petroleum Institute)

    Chinese Science Citation on Database

    Chinese Core Journal of Chemistry Category

    Chinese Journal Net, Digital Periodical Cluster of ChinaInfo

  • Visited: 15727